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The institution i choose to use is  EMAP as I feel they fit in more with my target audience a lot more than the other institutions. The magazine 'Kiss' has the same conventions as I am aiming for.

What is the competition for the magazine I am creating?

The competition I have for when I create my magazine is we ♥ pop. This is due to it being target to the same audience age group and broadcasting the same features as I intend to. Researching these magazines, in which are shown in the presentation above, I learnt the codes and convention of a pop magazines. This included the popular colour choice of pinks and purples as they appeal more to the target audience. It also learnt me the positioning of the features on the page due to it being similar on every edition with slight changes. Everything is presented very bold in order to catch the attention of the audience in order for it to stand out against the other magazines on the shelf.

 Also linked to this presentation I looked at the dominant and sub-images on each of these pages. Each image has a polished look and a very professional feel. Each photo also matches the colour scheme and therefore compliment the edition well. If the image I of a girl then they have immaculate hair and make-up. However none of these are over the top and therefore show the target audience that looks are not everything. Due to their age they are now in the stage of thinking this matters over everything else. These images help promote that it is not and it will be taken on board from the audience due to being celebrity endorsed. Neutral colours are used in the make-up such as pinks and bronzed browns while the hair is not elaborate yet looks effective. The images are also usually placed in the centre of the page on the front cover, the top and bottom of the contents page and a the side of the article with the sub-images located in different points throughout where appropriate.
Researching these have enabled me to think about the kind of images I would like on my pages when creating the main task piece. Due to needing 4 original photos in total I feel after, looking at these images, should be spread throughout the 4 pages I have to create. 1 dominant image on the front cover, 2sub-images on the contents and one dominant on the double page spread. I feel this helped as it allowed me to start thinking about how i wanted my photos to look when i complete my photo-shoot.
In order to compete with the other magazines on the market I would have to offer my target audience something in which would make them go for my magazine. This could be by having the same quality of magazine such as ' we <3 pop ' or including similar features for a cheaper price. I think my magazine will cost around £2.00
 What are the generic conventions of the magazine?
The generic conventions in which are usually found in magazines similar to my own are;
  •  a main dominant image
  • subheadings
  • pugs
  • busy pages
  • several images on the contents page
  • image from front cover relating to double page spread


  1. The comment you have on at present does not match your prezi please amend asap. Consider which institution would be best for your magazine and why. You need to demonstrate excellent research into similar products - how could you achieve this?

  2. Making good progress here Sophie, consider what else you could do to achieve excellent for research into similar products.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your research into similar products is lacking here, please amend asap. Refer to checklist for overall guidance.

  5. You must consider what you can do to achieve excellent for research into similar products - see your checklist also.
