Potential target audience

This was the survey I created when I attempted to gather research of my target audience. I used questions that I felt would receive the best information from my audience for when I create my own magazine.

I then conducted an interview with a family member that is the same age in order to gather additional feedback and research on my magazine genre. This enables research that i have already gathered to be backed up or find out something new and add extra detail  I wrote a record of the questions in which i asked her and her response. These are located below;

Following the questionnaire i did for my target audience this reader profile briefly sets out what i found and some images that link to the interests and hobbies in which the participants responded.

I feel these would buy my magazine as they relate to them and their interests. This research helps me as it matches with the genre in which I chose to use of pop. This research also allowed me to single out certain features and interests in which the target audience in which I am aiming for like and could therefore incorporate into my magazine in some way. This would therefore appeal to them making them pick up my magazine from the shelf as opposed to any other. This would be due to me relating my feature to their likes and making it a more personal and suiting magazine to themselves.

When conducting my whole target audience research I found from the survey that one of the most popular music magazines was pop. This enabled me to know which genre magazine I wanted to create. Following the specific audience profiles is allowed me to see what those peoples favourite bands or artists were and could therefore decide to incorporate them into my magazine. The questions asked in my survey allowed me to gather a detailed response in order to give me ideas to conduct my magazine. I was also able to collect simple but necessary information such as how much my target audience were willing to pay and how often they would purchase the magazine.

When completing my draft of my front cover i gathered some peer feedback in order to make sure the work i was doing was appealing to them. I left post it notes on my desk and allowed members of my target audience to come and leave their opinion on these pieces of paper. Here are the results:

After I conducted the creation of the rest of my final product I gathered more feedback on the final changes they feel i should make and the point in which they liked about it.

1 comment:

  1. Audience Profiles - why would they buy your magazine? How does this research help you? Be specific. You have completed other tasks in class on audience research please upload and comment. Consider what else you can do to achieve excellent for research into potential target audience. You should continue to gather audience research throughout your coursework.
