Preliminary task

These are the flat plans that were created for the college magazine featuring the front cover and the contents page. These plans set out exactly where certain things will be placed on the actual magazine. This helps space everything out in order for it to not be cluttered and busy.

This was the final product of the college magazine front cover and contents page that was completed as a group task. I feel that completing this task it allowed us as a group to share skills and knowledge that could be later used in the main final task in order to achieve the highest overall grade possible at the end of the course. I learned that I needed manage my time correctly due to not initially completing it in the time set and overlapped by several hours. Also I learned that the position of the photos are important due to them representing certain things. For example take a eye level photograph allows the target audience feel as though they are there by seeing it in that perspective. Next time I feel my time would be planned appropriately to meet all the deadlines and to create a fuller contents page using feauture that correctly match my magazine. Other than not completing the task fully performing this task helped me reflect the feedback my group received in order to take the points on board when creating my real magazine.

The spider diagram above highlights the feedback my group received of three people in our class when they gave their opinions of our work. Many of these points were repeated but I only included once on this diagram. Examples include not finishing and good images. After reading these my group was able to then compare our reflections and peer reflections to gather an overall opinion and the changes that were needed. This allowed me to see exactly what I needed to change in this and therefore implement into the creation of my final product.

1 comment:

  1. Some good points made here Sophie, it would be good to develop your reflection a little further. What else will you do better next time?
