Photoshoot organisation

When organising my photo-shoot i first had to think of my location.
My first three initial ideas are;

  •  A studio
  •  Seaburn beach
  •  A forest

I feel the best location for my photos would be in the studio in order to get the professional looking photos in which i wanted. I could then use the low key lighting and not have to depend on the weather.

    Above is a diagram presentation of Recce in which i have answered questions regarding my photo-shoot and the precautions to take and why or how i can solve/ change them. It also looks in to this regarding the props and reflective objects I could use in the photos for my magazine. I decided I was not going to use any props in my photographs as I wanted the  focus to be solely be on the model. However I wish to use a chair in my image on the double page spread in order to create differentiation on these pages. It will also take up majority of the page. This therefore made me come to the decision of the photos for the front cover being an eye level mid-shot and would dominate the page. for the contents  page I will use a side view of the models face which will me the focus image without taking the distraction too much from the page itself as its informing the target audience. The image In which I will use for my target audience will be an image of my model sitting in a chair with her legs posed out. This will dominate the right page and spilling onto the left. The writing of this article will then be positioned around the image.
    I had to research the weather for this shoot as i had to make sure the model wouldn't be affected for her travel or appearance to the shoot.

    This is the  agreement I made with my model in order for her to feature in the photographs taken. In this, she was told;

  •  The time and date when the photos would be taken
  • The costume/hair/make-up
  • The location of the shoot
  • prop requirement (if there was any)
  • The brief of my magazine
  • ideas for the shoot i.e. poses and facial expression

The final clothes, makeup and hair choice for my model is set out below for each page;
front cover
contents page
double page spread

The final location in which i have chose to take my photos for my final product is in the studio with a three point lighting in order to get a polished look of my model. In order to get this location i had to book it through email and a copy in which i sent and the reply is shown below.

Prior to this shoot I needed to take;
  • Models clothing
  • Models make-up
  • An Idea of poses for my model
  • An idea of facial expressions 
The camera and lighting will already be set up for the arrival of me and my model to use on the day in which i have booked with the studio.

When arriving at the studio i took a lot of photos in a range of different shots in order to gather a vary of poses for the different pages in my magazine. I then sat and narrowed my options down to the ones in which my model wasn't blinking or blurry.  Below is a short list of the ones i decided to put on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I then re narrowed my options to gather the photos in which i actually used for my magazine;


  1. Great progress being made here please continue to develop.

  2. Be careful you have used 'i' a number of times in your blog, should be a capital letter.
