Monday 19 October 2015

Hello and welcome to by blog for AS Media coursework. I will be posting everything related to this module.

          The aims of this specification are to:
  • enhance candidates enjoyment and appreciation of the media and it's role in their daily lives,
  • develop critical understanding of the media through engagement with media products and concepts and through the creative application of practical skills,
  • explore production processes, technologies and contexts,
  • become independent in research skills and their application.
          When centers choose briefs to offer candidates, they should be guided by their strengths in terms of resources and expertise. Centres should also bare in mind the key areas: forms and conventions, production contents, the role of technologies, audiences/ users and representations.
The set briefs are as follows;

Preliminary exercise; using DTP and an image manipulating program, produce the front cover of a new college magazine, featuring a photograph  of a student in a medium close up plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.
Main task; the front cover, contents page and the double page spread of a new music magazine. if this is done as a group task, each member of the group is to produce an individual edition following the same house style. There is a maximum of four members to a group.
- all images and text used must be original, produces by the candidate(s) 
- minimum of four images per candidate

For enrollment, the task to complete a 1,000 word essay was assigned for my initial ideas for my music magazine. This was as though I had been employed by international publishing company "Natmags" that branched to teenagers aged 16-19 and to both male and females. It had to include a description of what the front cover would look like, the colours used, the costume for the model and anything else I felt would add to the style of that edition. A list of articles that would be featured on the contents page also had to be created to give an idea of what would be taking place throughout my magazine. In addition to this I also had to  describe the main article that I would be creating including what it was about, what it featured, the images, the text and the target audience this would appeal to and why. Throughout this essay everything had to be justified.


In the prezi above i have identified a range of proposals that i aim to apply to my finished product. Through this, i have learnt what is required for me to be successful when creating my music magazine by giving its own identity and stating exactly what it consists of. I have applied what i have learnt from research inspirations which has allowed me to think of an idea that i hope will stand out from my competition. My proposal will help me when creating my final piece as i will be reflecting on it to make sure i include all the appropriate conventions. I will also compare my finished product with my proposals for target audience and genre to see if it is suitable.